And they no longer provide direct support That being said, to get temporary limited access to a download source, you will need to contact Adobe احصل على إصدار تجريبي مجاني من Lightroom. With the current exception of Lightroom v6.14, Adobe no longer provides public access to sunseted versions of the product. If you choose to enter a subscription-associated Adobe ID, you have access to Creative Cloud features - which for 5.7.1 is Lightroom mobile The only difference is how you validate your license. If you download Lightroom 5.7.1 from the 'standalone environment' or if you download it via the Creative Cloud app, it is the exact same program.
Rate this 5 (Best) 4 3 2 1 (Worst) Adobe Photoshop Lightroom software helps you bring out the best in your photographs.